Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 Years

Wazzup, it be Nubert.
Sorry about the last post guyz, Patches can't talk much. She really wanted to make a post but she can only manage a few boops and beeps (She's half robot you know)

June 24th, 2008-Two years ago on this very day Jack started working on Abducted. Two years in the making man! Dats a lot of alone time playing with legos and clay. eesh. Happy Anniversary! I guess.
It was a happy day today. We received our props in the mail from our friend Gil-various machines that light up and even a little table to kill victims on...I..I mean to um...prepare dinner on. Gahah!
Soon we are going to start adding voices for the scenes that are already done. We have a buncha very talented voice actors lined up for the job. We hired Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, David Hyde Peirce, and even Michael Jackson (No he's not dead, we abducted him into our ship a while ago)
Uh oh...Lord Monty is yelling at me...oh man, I forgot to clean out the poison chamber! Err, I better go people...but before I do here are some drawings Jack did of all us aliens back when he waz in high school-just copying from Adam Hunter's first drawings of us. Back then we had different names.

Here I am-back then I was gonna be named "Budd"

Here is Patches: no wheels, little sticks for arms, more upright and called "Duncan"

Here is Kiosh: his neck a little more straight and big lumps for arms-back then known as "Chaz"

Here is Lord Monty: not much has changed except for his stick arms and he's a little more ugly now-almost named "Lord Channeler"

And here is our long lost brother Jeeves (he was never made, they cut him from the script those jerks!)

Alright guyz, I gotta go before Monty rips me a new one....OH!!! OW! ...too late...

'till next time,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Grouping at MLTGroup

Hello all, Jordan here.
First let me assure everyone that I am perfectly fine after the car accident a few weeks ago. Old Mister Detective Ralph Philip stretched the story a little bit. Actually, I think he was an impostor, his mustache kept falling off. Hummmmm...
Well all in all it has been a productive couple of weeks. We finished off the last part of the movie, but now we have to go back and film the scenes for the inside of the spaceship, after we get abducted anyway :)
I have a lot of exciting stuff for everyone today. Please! Hold your excitement! Hey...HEY! Settle down! I SAID SETTLE DOWN! Okay...listen, if you guys can't settle down I'm not gonna show you the new stuff....

alright, thats better.
First things first, our friend Gil made some props for the movie. Here are some pics of the crooked, creepy machines some of the aliens will use.

Pretty neat huh?
A while ago, director Jack gave MLTGroup a call. MLTGroup is a local advertising business which specializes in well..advertising. Web design, graphic design, marketing solutions and even commercial video production is just some of what they do. (No, we are not getting paid to say this) In the end Jack got to show the president of the company some of his animations! We are hoping Jack will be able to perhaps make some commercials for the company, we'll have to wait and see what happens (excited face)

However, Jack thought he would try to persuade them a little more. Here is the video he made for them of all his best work. There are a few clips from Abducted in there, see if you can spot them :)

Didja see me, didja see me! Ah, that was cool, you should really watch that again.

Well, I guess that's really all we have, it wasn't a lot like I said it was, I mean it was a little, but not a lot. Oh man, I feel kinda bad now. I even yelled at you guys, awwww, I'm sorry.
Okay okay here, well its not from the movie but here is a picture of our cats Dan and Vivian cuddling :) DAWWWW, aren't they cute!

AWWWWWWW....ahem...alright, yes well. That is...that.
Alright kids, we will see you next time. Take care.

With Gratitude-

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Search for Jordan

Good Evening, my name is Inspector Ralph Philip.

But you may call me Inspector Ralph Philip.
A serious accident happened on the set of the movie Abducted today. A car crash occurred with actors Jack and Jordan. The first witness on the scene was director and all around handsome man-Jack Quincey.

Jack says he was going to work at his studio/office/spare bedroom when he opened the door to a horrifying car accident. The blue car from the movie was on the floor in pieces and Jack and Jordan were no where to be found. Caution-the following pictures may be quite graphic.

Upon my arrival and further inspection I was able to locate the young actor Jack.
He cowered in fear behind the computer desk leg.

However, after several minutes of searching we could not find the other star of the movie-Jordan. Several nooks and crannies were explored but there was no sign of the little man.
It was then I decided to get serious and grabbed my torch.

I searched the surrounding area of the accident for the victim yet again, but was unsuccessful yet again. It was then I decided to search the whole house. I left no stone unturned, no corner unsearched, so couch uncovered, no toilet unflushed...ahem...
It was then I decided to question the local residents. The first and most likely to kidnap was the juvenile delinquent, Vivian. I located her in a low life dark alley sleeping on the ground.

Upon waking her I asked her several questions, but came out with minimal success on the where abouts of Jordan.
I journeyed on to the second resident, a middle class man named Kioshi. I also found him sleeping but he woke up pretty quickly to help me with my case.

Again sadly I could not cook up an answer, and my beef stew was beginning to taste I couldn't find an answer anyway.
I had one last suspect...Dan. Dan was the man, they said. I soon found out that Dan was the fat man. The fat lazy man. Upon finding him I found that he was sleeping, as the others were. He curled upside down trying to seduce me.

I was immediately turned off by his er....round physique. I continued on with the regular questioning of the where abouts of Jordan.
I soon found out that Dan was not the man. He was of no help to me. Actually he just yawned and went back to sleep.
I was getting desperate, I had to find this boy. If I couldn't find him, the movie could never be finished! It was time to get dirty. I heard from a friend's friend's friend that the house had been vacuumed recently. So that's where I went.

I couldn't believe it! After rummaging through cat litter and dust bunnies from the vacuum bag I could not find him! It was hopeless, all was lost. I sat down in despair. My eyes fell upon the trash. Feeling as though I could not get any more dirty I felt through the trash can.

There he was. Crumpled up in a tissue next to some cat poop was Jordan.
Everyone was safe now and the film could continue on as planned. You'll be happy to know alcohol was not involved in the accident. I'm relating it to horse playing...well cat playing actually. Pure arson.
After some serious sanitization I felt successful. There is no playing around when Inspector Ralph Philip is on the job!

P.S. Don't Smoke

Inspector Ralph Philip