Monday, October 4, 2010

And we're back...

Hello again my sorry sack of pre-fried green beans mixed with molded carrots and lima beans that nobody likes and a dash of thirty year old ketchup that has been sitting in my grandma's pantry so it will have old people smell and death inherited into it and put into a sack that was made by Jack The Ripper and he added rotten tomatoes to it but that would just be like more of the rotten ketchup from my grandma so in lack of his creativity we made him eat all of it and then he threw it back up on a fine china plate but then the plate broke but that's ok because we bought it on ebay for like a buck but it was so cheap cuz the guy who sold it to us used to use it as a toilet and he only consumed bean burritos and spicy tacos for his whole entire life and so after Jack the Ripper threw up on it we killed him and mixed his body parts in with the whole lot but then we found out that it actually wasn't Jack the Ripper cuz he died a long time ago so infuriated by this knowledge I killed some other random guy but then saw it was my grandma who was still alive so I started crying but realized I was never really that close to my grandmother cuz she always made me lick her floors clean but I figured what the hell and threw her mangled corpse into the mixture then I decided that this all looked kinda tasty so I ate it and discovered that it wasn't so gross and it had a sweet flavor,
how are you today?

Oh goodness, that was a long disturbing paragraph. But I guess that is long enough for a blog post...see you guys in another 5 months!

Ha ha, just kidding.
If you haven't guessed yet, this is Lord Monty comin at ya, and I was just kidding, my grandmother is still alive....for now.
We have a lot of new stuff that hopefully some one will look at!
We are going to try and take over the News section on
so hopefully our popularity will rise a bit.

Aright...whats new, whats new.
First, Jack Q now has a website-Mechanism Animations
It is still being constructed so there isn't a lot on there right now. But hopefully there will be in a few days. For now just look at the cool clay links.
Second-we have a poster for the movie now that features all of us tasty aliens chasing Jack and Jordan in a colorfully rambunctious junkyard. Take a look!!!

Here was our first poster about 2 years ago with Jack's old set of aliens that didn't quite animate out so well. Same spaceship though, looks like it got a little bit of a nose job however.

And here was our very first Poster, way back when Jack was in 11th grade. Abducted was first thought up in Jack's History class and that is when he first sketched this one out.

Invasion was the original idea for the title but since we weren't really "invading" anything it was changed to first Abduction then Abducted since we actually abduct Jack & Jordan. Pretty interesting huh, take that to the bank.

Thirdaly-we have a trailer out for the movie. Or a preview...I'm not sure, whats the difference, whatever. Just watch it you disgusting creatures!

We only have a couple scenes left to film in Abducted. We are hoping to have it released on Halloween, which would be a pretty wicked holiday to watch it on, am I right?

Okay my little ones, I must be off, for it is my turn to cook supper for all the aliens tonight and I still have a whole cup of coffee to engulf. Yes, aliens drink coffee too.

Sweet Dreams,
Lord Monty