Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Beginning

Greetings kind viewer, yes I am talking to you.
Yes you, point to it again! Ha ha ha, you silly human!
I am Lord Monty and I am here because Jack Quincey is working on a new animated movie! Oh joy. Jack has been involved on many big name animation projects-such as Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach, Wallace and Gromit, and Coraline....
well he wishes he were anyway, ha ha, had you going didn't I? Infidels.
Mr. Quincey is just a low budget, low life little animator who creates all his little movies on a little desk in his own little bedroom next to his dinosaur desktop computer which isn't so little. If you'd like to see some of his previous crap, you can visit his youtube page here
but I wouldn't recommend it.
I guess over the next few months my fellow alien brothers and I will be making posts about Jack's progress on his movie Abducted...starring me!!! Mwa ha ha ha! Oh I love me.
Whats that you say, could you speak into your computer a little louder? Oh, oh. What is Abducted? Ha ha, I'm glad you asked. Abducted is going to be the biggest epic animated movie of the year-combining lego animation and clay animation. See here's what happens, these two stupid humans named Jack and Jordan get Abducted by aliens, thats me and my buds. After that...well you'll just have to wait and see. Ha ha ha!
Well okay, I guess I can be a little kind, I am after all going to take over your planet. Here are some pictures to tickle your funny bone.

This is my fellow alien Patches, she is half alien-half robot. She can carry around lots of useful things in her body frame.

This is my main man..uh..alien Kiosh, he's pretty chill. Some early drawings of him too.

And who is this handsome devil? ME!! ha ha (looks like I should brush my teeth a little huh) Some early drawings of myself surround me.

Well my dear children, I must be off to work, lots of planning to do for the big invasion.
Expect more soon.

Yours Truly-
Lord Monty

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