Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Um...hi everybody. Um..oh boy, sorry. I get a little nervous under pressure...JORDAN! Where are you!?!
Ahem..ok, I think I got this...

sdluijfgdbvjnbndcjhaerjkherjthu4nmadfmjkvxnkjasDJHSD EWGFIODARJGJKD VN UIODJHFJKVHSDJHS

hmm, that didn't quite work out as I espected, I guess you can't bang your head on the keyboard to make it work-like other things.

Me and Jordan are in a new movie, and it is really cool and stuff. I hope everyone likes it.
I'm gonna try to upload some cool pics up here, lets see if it works...

Ha ha! Elvis Monkey.
Okie dokie, no more monkeyen around (he he, monkey)
Here is the Christmas card we made this last Christmas, yaaaay presents! I hope it's legos.

Mister Adam Hunter did some drawings for the movie, cuz he's really really good at drawing and stuff. Here are some of his stuffs that you can see. Jack got a lot of good ideas from these, I mean Jack the director, not me...hmmm, or are we the same person...I'M SO CONFUZED.

Aren't they just the best, it brings a tear to my eye....WAAAAAAAH! Ahmmm, ok I'm good.
Some of these aliens may or may not be used in the movie, we'll just have to wait and seeee.
Anywhoooo, Jordan is yelling at me to get off the puter and stop looking at kitty videos, hee hee.
By by everybody!


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