Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nubert is here!

Yhello you stupid humans. Now I finally have control of the power of the bloggingness!
You are all dead meat! Feel the wrath of my POISON GAS!!!


Hmmm, it doesn't seem to go through the computer. Damn your technology.
Wellll I guess I will tell you about myself.
I am Nubert.
Umm, thats about it...Jack told me not to say anything else or it will ruin the movie.
(angry face)
However, here is a pitcher of myself for all the ladies, heh heh heh.

Pretty smooth, huh. Don't worry, I'll be getting braces soon.
Jack Q tells me the movie is moving along slowly but strongly. We still got quite a bit of animating to do. But we are just about to film the most epic and amazing and pretty much the best part of the movie!! The part where I come in! That's right! Ya ha ha!
Oops, hang on...here are some early drawings by Adam Hunter-see if you can find where some ideas might have come up to make me.

Gah HA!
Well, I guess I have to get off now, its almost time for my debut in the film!
I'm ready for my close up! Ah, that never gets old...sort of.

Yours Forever-

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