Monday, October 4, 2010

And we're back...

Hello again my sorry sack of pre-fried green beans mixed with molded carrots and lima beans that nobody likes and a dash of thirty year old ketchup that has been sitting in my grandma's pantry so it will have old people smell and death inherited into it and put into a sack that was made by Jack The Ripper and he added rotten tomatoes to it but that would just be like more of the rotten ketchup from my grandma so in lack of his creativity we made him eat all of it and then he threw it back up on a fine china plate but then the plate broke but that's ok because we bought it on ebay for like a buck but it was so cheap cuz the guy who sold it to us used to use it as a toilet and he only consumed bean burritos and spicy tacos for his whole entire life and so after Jack the Ripper threw up on it we killed him and mixed his body parts in with the whole lot but then we found out that it actually wasn't Jack the Ripper cuz he died a long time ago so infuriated by this knowledge I killed some other random guy but then saw it was my grandma who was still alive so I started crying but realized I was never really that close to my grandmother cuz she always made me lick her floors clean but I figured what the hell and threw her mangled corpse into the mixture then I decided that this all looked kinda tasty so I ate it and discovered that it wasn't so gross and it had a sweet flavor,
how are you today?

Oh goodness, that was a long disturbing paragraph. But I guess that is long enough for a blog post...see you guys in another 5 months!

Ha ha, just kidding.
If you haven't guessed yet, this is Lord Monty comin at ya, and I was just kidding, my grandmother is still alive....for now.
We have a lot of new stuff that hopefully some one will look at!
We are going to try and take over the News section on
so hopefully our popularity will rise a bit.

Aright...whats new, whats new.
First, Jack Q now has a website-Mechanism Animations
It is still being constructed so there isn't a lot on there right now. But hopefully there will be in a few days. For now just look at the cool clay links.
Second-we have a poster for the movie now that features all of us tasty aliens chasing Jack and Jordan in a colorfully rambunctious junkyard. Take a look!!!

Here was our first poster about 2 years ago with Jack's old set of aliens that didn't quite animate out so well. Same spaceship though, looks like it got a little bit of a nose job however.

And here was our very first Poster, way back when Jack was in 11th grade. Abducted was first thought up in Jack's History class and that is when he first sketched this one out.

Invasion was the original idea for the title but since we weren't really "invading" anything it was changed to first Abduction then Abducted since we actually abduct Jack & Jordan. Pretty interesting huh, take that to the bank.

Thirdaly-we have a trailer out for the movie. Or a preview...I'm not sure, whats the difference, whatever. Just watch it you disgusting creatures!

We only have a couple scenes left to film in Abducted. We are hoping to have it released on Halloween, which would be a pretty wicked holiday to watch it on, am I right?

Okay my little ones, I must be off, for it is my turn to cook supper for all the aliens tonight and I still have a whole cup of coffee to engulf. Yes, aliens drink coffee too.

Sweet Dreams,
Lord Monty

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 Years

Wazzup, it be Nubert.
Sorry about the last post guyz, Patches can't talk much. She really wanted to make a post but she can only manage a few boops and beeps (She's half robot you know)

June 24th, 2008-Two years ago on this very day Jack started working on Abducted. Two years in the making man! Dats a lot of alone time playing with legos and clay. eesh. Happy Anniversary! I guess.
It was a happy day today. We received our props in the mail from our friend Gil-various machines that light up and even a little table to kill victims on...I..I mean to um...prepare dinner on. Gahah!
Soon we are going to start adding voices for the scenes that are already done. We have a buncha very talented voice actors lined up for the job. We hired Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, David Hyde Peirce, and even Michael Jackson (No he's not dead, we abducted him into our ship a while ago)
Uh oh...Lord Monty is yelling at me...oh man, I forgot to clean out the poison chamber! Err, I better go people...but before I do here are some drawings Jack did of all us aliens back when he waz in high school-just copying from Adam Hunter's first drawings of us. Back then we had different names.

Here I am-back then I was gonna be named "Budd"

Here is Patches: no wheels, little sticks for arms, more upright and called "Duncan"

Here is Kiosh: his neck a little more straight and big lumps for arms-back then known as "Chaz"

Here is Lord Monty: not much has changed except for his stick arms and he's a little more ugly now-almost named "Lord Channeler"

And here is our long lost brother Jeeves (he was never made, they cut him from the script those jerks!)

Alright guyz, I gotta go before Monty rips me a new one....OH!!! OW! ...too late...

'till next time,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Grouping at MLTGroup

Hello all, Jordan here.
First let me assure everyone that I am perfectly fine after the car accident a few weeks ago. Old Mister Detective Ralph Philip stretched the story a little bit. Actually, I think he was an impostor, his mustache kept falling off. Hummmmm...
Well all in all it has been a productive couple of weeks. We finished off the last part of the movie, but now we have to go back and film the scenes for the inside of the spaceship, after we get abducted anyway :)
I have a lot of exciting stuff for everyone today. Please! Hold your excitement! Hey...HEY! Settle down! I SAID SETTLE DOWN! Okay...listen, if you guys can't settle down I'm not gonna show you the new stuff....

alright, thats better.
First things first, our friend Gil made some props for the movie. Here are some pics of the crooked, creepy machines some of the aliens will use.

Pretty neat huh?
A while ago, director Jack gave MLTGroup a call. MLTGroup is a local advertising business which specializes in well..advertising. Web design, graphic design, marketing solutions and even commercial video production is just some of what they do. (No, we are not getting paid to say this) In the end Jack got to show the president of the company some of his animations! We are hoping Jack will be able to perhaps make some commercials for the company, we'll have to wait and see what happens (excited face)

However, Jack thought he would try to persuade them a little more. Here is the video he made for them of all his best work. There are a few clips from Abducted in there, see if you can spot them :)

Didja see me, didja see me! Ah, that was cool, you should really watch that again.

Well, I guess that's really all we have, it wasn't a lot like I said it was, I mean it was a little, but not a lot. Oh man, I feel kinda bad now. I even yelled at you guys, awwww, I'm sorry.
Okay okay here, well its not from the movie but here is a picture of our cats Dan and Vivian cuddling :) DAWWWW, aren't they cute!

AWWWWWWW....ahem...alright, yes well. That is...that.
Alright kids, we will see you next time. Take care.

With Gratitude-

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Search for Jordan

Good Evening, my name is Inspector Ralph Philip.

But you may call me Inspector Ralph Philip.
A serious accident happened on the set of the movie Abducted today. A car crash occurred with actors Jack and Jordan. The first witness on the scene was director and all around handsome man-Jack Quincey.

Jack says he was going to work at his studio/office/spare bedroom when he opened the door to a horrifying car accident. The blue car from the movie was on the floor in pieces and Jack and Jordan were no where to be found. Caution-the following pictures may be quite graphic.

Upon my arrival and further inspection I was able to locate the young actor Jack.
He cowered in fear behind the computer desk leg.

However, after several minutes of searching we could not find the other star of the movie-Jordan. Several nooks and crannies were explored but there was no sign of the little man.
It was then I decided to get serious and grabbed my torch.

I searched the surrounding area of the accident for the victim yet again, but was unsuccessful yet again. It was then I decided to search the whole house. I left no stone unturned, no corner unsearched, so couch uncovered, no toilet unflushed...ahem...
It was then I decided to question the local residents. The first and most likely to kidnap was the juvenile delinquent, Vivian. I located her in a low life dark alley sleeping on the ground.

Upon waking her I asked her several questions, but came out with minimal success on the where abouts of Jordan.
I journeyed on to the second resident, a middle class man named Kioshi. I also found him sleeping but he woke up pretty quickly to help me with my case.

Again sadly I could not cook up an answer, and my beef stew was beginning to taste I couldn't find an answer anyway.
I had one last suspect...Dan. Dan was the man, they said. I soon found out that Dan was the fat man. The fat lazy man. Upon finding him I found that he was sleeping, as the others were. He curled upside down trying to seduce me.

I was immediately turned off by his er....round physique. I continued on with the regular questioning of the where abouts of Jordan.
I soon found out that Dan was not the man. He was of no help to me. Actually he just yawned and went back to sleep.
I was getting desperate, I had to find this boy. If I couldn't find him, the movie could never be finished! It was time to get dirty. I heard from a friend's friend's friend that the house had been vacuumed recently. So that's where I went.

I couldn't believe it! After rummaging through cat litter and dust bunnies from the vacuum bag I could not find him! It was hopeless, all was lost. I sat down in despair. My eyes fell upon the trash. Feeling as though I could not get any more dirty I felt through the trash can.

There he was. Crumpled up in a tissue next to some cat poop was Jordan.
Everyone was safe now and the film could continue on as planned. You'll be happy to know alcohol was not involved in the accident. I'm relating it to horse playing...well cat playing actually. Pure arson.
After some serious sanitization I felt successful. There is no playing around when Inspector Ralph Philip is on the job!

P.S. Don't Smoke

Inspector Ralph Philip

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's been over a month

And what an interenesting over a month it has beeen.
Ha ha, Hi...its Jack...tee hee!
I have learned a lot over this past month.
Number 1-never eat baked beans before playing Twister
Number 2-don't stick a freshly picked boogie on the back of
Jordan's head for safe keeping
and letter 3-never ever ever watch Nightmare on Elm street and Sesame Street at the same time! Bad things will happen!
Anyway, Abducted is still Abducting and the Abducted individuals will soon be Abductied in the Abductuary...Abductedly.
Our director Jack has changed his living place again for the billionth kazillionth time and you will be happy to know that everyone made it safely in the move to the new apartment. I got to ride in the back of the Uhaul cuz I was a good boy.
We are already all done shooting the junkyard scenes, which is a nice big step forward I must say! Now we're on to the big scary robot in the city scene, it's scary!
We also got some people to do some props and stuff and things and stuff.
Our buddy Jessica has made some props for us! Here are just a few...

Here is Jess's Stop Motion Magic page where you can see some of her work-
Jess's Magical World of Wonders
And our other buddy Gil is making some props for us too-we don't have any pictures of the props he's done yet, but here is some cool pics of his other thingies.

And here is here Gil's Stop Motion Magic Page where you can see more of his work-Gil's Super Duper Magicalness of Wonder
In other news, we got a new kitty! She might make a special appearance in Abducted as "The Giant Killer Kitty" but rumors of this have yet to be proven.

And also our director Jack learned how to shave!

You know recently I got into the myspace surveys. I thought I would share one with you I did a while ago...

"When was the last time you cried?
Last week when Jordan hit me with a cinder block

Have you ever faked sick?
no, but I did get sick from eating a shoe one time

Have you ever cried during a movie?

Have you ever danced in the rain?
yeah, but then I slipped and fell on my face

Do you smoke?
only when I'm fully on fire

Have you ever been in a car accident?
yeah, unfortunately I was driving

Who was your first kiss?
Jordan :)

What is your favorite sport to play?
Run away from Jordan with a baseball bat

What's your favorite childhood memory?
licking rat poison from the spoon

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What is your political persuasion?!

What are you afraid of?
light bulbs and butterlfies

What person do you trust the most?

Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
The yellow teletubbie

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

What is the longest relationship you have had?
Me and the yellow teletubbie are working things out

What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
why am i eating my pillow

What is your first thought before you go to bed?
why am i eating my pillow

What college do you want to go to?
the smart kind

Do you play any instruments?
do my toes count?

Do you think you're attractive?
i'm the prettiest boy ever!

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I thought about getting a rainbow on my forehead

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
a cookie

Have you ever seen a dead body?
no, but i saw a rock once!

What is one thing scientists should invent?
a place where i can put my poo

What happens after you die?
you turn into a ZOMBIE!

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no i'm kinda chubby

Have you ever bitten someone?
only cuz they wouldn't give me my doggy treats

Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
where! call 911!

Do you remember your dreams?
yeah, i keep having dreams i'm eating my pillow

Have you ever been to the hospital?
Me and Jordan play doctor all the time! But it kinda hurts...

Do any medical problems run in your family?

Have you ever had a nightmare?
Yeah! I dreamed I lost my hamburger!

Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
Hey, its hard getting potty trained, okay!

Have you ever attempted suicide?
Only when Jordan got his head cut off...

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
whitey tities...well yellow tities i guess...they were white when I bought them.

Have you ever been in a fistfight?

Do you have any hidden talents?
Well I try to stay clothed most of the time.

Do you usually prefer books or movies?
whats a book?

Who is your favorite person to talk to?

Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?
Jordan! well....sometimes

Who do you talk to most on the phone?

Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of?
well....I have dirty magazines...I really need to wash them.

Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?
I can't spell...wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.......

Have you ever gotten detention?
only cuz the teacher looked so delicious!

How do you vent your anger?
turn on the AC

What's a rumor someone has spread about you?
peanut butter

What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself doing?
straightening a hose

Do you consider yourself popular?
I'm not a balloon!

What is your favorite book?
I can't read...

Do you have a collection of anything?
boogers....and Jordan's hair

What do you see yourself being 5 years from now?
5 years older?

Are you happy with the life you have?
well I wish I could have an aliens life, but thats ok"

Well, I think that is enough sharing, but I will share my pillow if you are hungry.

luv Jack

Friday, April 16, 2010


Wazzzzzzzuuuup everybody! It's been a tad too long.
This is Kiosh, comin at ya live from blogspot! Check check one two!
How are all my peeps doin tonight?
Well listen, we got a little project for everyone.
We need some props for the inside of the crib! Well our spaceship...

Listen closely, here is the list of stuff we need:

A bunch of random creatures, experiments and creations for the experiment room. Keep in mind these have to be very small. Be creative-very very creative

An assortment of different futuristic looking tables about one inch high

Some weird machines and control panels with buttons and working lights on them-or holes where we can insert small light bulbs into them

A small skeleton fish plaque we can hang on the wall

A little megaphone

An assortment of different sized TV monitors and computer screens

A mini toilet plunger

A mini pizza

Some test tubes and beakers

Little clear cages and boxes/crates

and last but not least a mini suitcase that opens and closes

Please send an email if your interested in making any props for the movie or have any questions at all-
Jack will get back to you as soon as he can!
Remember these can be made out of anything but just keep in mind they need to be pretty small.

Now that that crap is ova, let me share a little bit of whats been goin down in Abducted-town...

Not anything supa dupa exciting if ya ask me dudes. Animation is a slow thang and if one thing goes wrong your gonna wanna take your rage out on something. Like Jack did here on poor little Jack and Jordan.

I guess he needed a good "toy story" ....... I said TOY STORY! ......
Ah you guys have no sense a comedy.
Well anywhozamawhat here are some more pictures of fun random stuff from the movie. Hope you like actually I really don't care if you do or not. Just look at them!
Here is our space craft when is was just a mere balloon, some newspaper and glue.

Here she is after some spray paint.

And here is our smiling baby all ready for outer space travel.

And here are a few more interesting sketches from my main man Adam H. whose responsible for drawing up all the sweet designs and ideas for the film.

Well that's all for now my little homies.

Peace out...until we come for you-

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wonderful World of Disney!

This is it kiddos!
The big one!
The deal of all deals!!!

Our main man Jack just happened to send in a few pictures of our production and a few animation clips to Walt Disney Studios, you heard right...Walt Disney!
Burbank, California, Hollywood, the big dogs! The world leaders! Even more in power than I am!
Disney ate us up! We got an email back right away basically saying they wanted our creator to make a full length animated movie! Due to copyright reasons we can't post the email here on blogspot. They are going to be flying Jack all the way out to California to take a tour of the studio. In the end it is all up to Jack if he wants to make this movie or not, which means we will have to relocate to California of course. But we're talking super duper computer animated special effects, lots of animators working on the film, possible eye popping 3D, big time producers, and tons of cash!
This is it folks, the impossible has become possible. So I guess it is time to say goodbye and we hope all of our fans will be watching. But before I leave I have one last thing to say...

SUCKERS! Ha ha ha ha, I really had you going didn't I, you stupid humans! Really? Disney? Ha! Those slimy bastards couldn't place one finger on me, pah! They'll be the first to go when I take over the world anyway.
Well I guess you all are pretty upset now aren't you, cry babies. Fine fine, here are some more pictures and drawings to keep you entertained. Enjoy...

Your friend-
Lord Monty